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Big 5 Global

Viopol participated with great success at the international exhibition Big 5 Global. This is one of the most significant exhibitions on an international level in the construction sector, which is certified by the following numbers; 2200 exhibitors participated and welcomed over 90,000 visitors of more than 150 countries. Even more significant is the fact that it took place during a construction boom year in the Middle East with projects worth trillions in progress. The exhibition primarily attracts visitors from surrounding countries who are interested in the latest technological developments and applications in construction.

Viopol participated with a large delegation, including both the sales department and the managerial executives, as well as our R&D department, which was there to support our presence with technical details and clarifications.

The visitation of our undoubtedly good-looking and functionally designed booth was diverse, welcoming visitors from various categories, thus expanding communication and the horizons of our people

Businesspeople with a commercial interest in distributing our systems, engineering or property management consulting firms, procurement departments of factories utilizing our product categories and major contractors engaged in discussions, expressed interest in detailed information, and warmly approached the idea of potential collaboration.

Our presence was successful not only because we successfully promoted the solutions, we provide, in the construction sector but also because we promoted the entire range of our systems, both in industrial applications and in special projects. It was realized that we were the only self-sufficient European polyurethane system house at the exhibition, with the production capacity to serve a wide range of applications, from safety floors to specialized applications for gas pipeline projects.

It is important to emphasize that we also had many visitors who are already our partners, honoring our collaboration. Additionally, a good percentage of exhibitors, from specific categories, both from Greek companies and several European ones, have some form of cooperation with us, if not directly procuring our systems. Viopol has been aligning for many years with companies that are developing and leading in exports.

Viopol has gained an international reputation and this was obvious in all the networking of our executives with suppliers or businesspeople in various fields.

We want to express our gratitude to all our visitors, the people we had the pleasure of meeting with in Dubai. We have initiated a warm communication with key players in this part of the commercial map that we will develop in the near future.

Next stop: Utech Europe.